
IMM Journals

The IMM is one of the fastest-growing research and review paper publishing Organizations that publish Scholarly open access peer-reviewed online journals. Our International Journals promote scientific research by providing free access to all published articles and enhancing the performance of, Mathematicians; Statisticians, Epidemiologists, and professionals in the fields of Agriculture, Meteorology, Business, and Management, Health, Life Sciences, Social sciences, and Technology. Our priority is to publish Noble research without financial, technical, or legal barriers to the author.

Journal of New Frontiers in Mathematics and Statistics(JNFMS) ISSN 2719-2415 (Online)
Journal of New Frontiers in Economics and Business(JNFEB) ISSN 2719-2423 (Online)
Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences(JNFHBS) ISSN 2719-2385 (Online)
Journal of New Frontiers in Education and Social Sciences(JNFESS) ISSN 2719-2407(Online)

Editorial Policy
JNFMS, JNFEB, JNFHBS, and JNFESS are free journals. Submission, publication, and access are free of charge. Publication agreements and  Templates of papers are common for all journals,  given below for download. We accept manuscripts written in the English Language.
Desk Screening
Each manuscript submitted to JNFMS, JNFEB, JNFHBS, and JNFESS of IMM will be first evaluated by the Editor/Editorial Board. The Editor/Editorial Board has the right to desk review and "desk rejects" the manuscript without sending it out for peer review.
Peer Review
After an initial evaluation by the Editor/Editorial Board, the manuscript will be sent to two reviewers appointed by the Editor/ Editorial Board. The number of reviewers can be increased if necessary. IMM employs double-blind reviewing – both the reviewer(s) and the author(s) remain anonymous throughout the process. The reviewer(s) will evaluate the manuscript’s originality, significance, research design, methodology, presentation of results, and appropriate referencing of relevant past studies.
Manuscript Revision
If the reviewer(s) recommend revision, the Editor/Editorial Board may invite the author(s) to revise and resubmit the manuscript based on the comments and suggestions from the reviewer(s). The author(s) need to re-submit the revised manuscript on or before the date announced by the Editor/Editorial Board.
Final Decision
The Editor/Editorial Board will make the final decision on acceptance/rejection based on the final reviewer (s). Upon the acceptance of the manuscript, the author(s) will be requested to sign publishing agreements.
Publication Ethics
IMM follows the highest standard of publication ethics and takes all possible procedures against any publication misconduct. Upon submission of their manuscripts, authors are required to indicate in their cover letter that they agree with the publication ethics.
Plagiarism in any form is a serious violation of the basic principles of scholarship and is not tolerated. Examples of plagiarism include:

  • Word-by-word copying of portions of someone else's writing without enclosing the copied passage in quotation marks and acknowledging the source in an appropriate scholarly convention.
  • The use of a particularly unique term or concept that one has come across in reading without acknowledging the author or source.
  • The paraphrasing or abbreviated restatement of someone else's ideas without acknowledging that someone else's text has been the basis for the paraphrasing.
  • False citation: material should not be attributed to a source from which it has not been obtained.
  • False data: data that has been fabricated or altered in a laboratory or experiment; although not literally plagiarism, this is a form of academic fraud.
  • Unacknowledged multiple submissions of a paper for several purposes without prior approval from the parties involved.
  • Unacknowledged multiple authors or collaboration: the contributions of each author or collaborator should be made clear.
  • Self-plagiarism/double submission: the submission of the same or a very similar paper to two or more publications at the same time.

Each manuscript submission must be accompanied by a cover letter stating that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere and that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to secure permission if they want to reproduce any figure, table, or extract from the text of other sources. This applies to direct reproduction as well as "derivative reproduction" (where you have created a new figure or table which derives substantially from a copyrighted source).
Chief Editor
Dr. (Mrs.) W. G. Samanthi Konarasinghe, Institute of Mathematics and Management, Sri Lanka

Editorial Board

Professor. Dr. T. L. Gunaruwan

University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. 

Dr. Thilan U. Hewage

University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Professor. Dr. Mahadevan Chandramouleeswaran

Sri Ramanas College of Arts and Science for Women, India.

Emeritus Professor. Dr. A.V.Datttatreya Rao

Acharya Nagarjuna University,India

Professor. Dr. Vichian Laohakosol

Kasetsart University, Thailand.

Professor. Dr. K. Srinivasa Rao

SCSVMV University, India. 

Professor. Dr. M. Lelis Thivagar

Madurai Kamaraj University, India.

Professor. Dr. (Mrs) S.V.S. Girija

Hindu College, India.

Professor. Dr. Hemanta Kumar Sahu

North Orissa University, India.

Professor. Dr. Pankaj Srivastava,

M. N. National Institute of Technology, India.  

Professor. Dr. (Mrs) Sonajharia Minz 

Jawaharlal Nehru University, India.

Professor. Dr. (Mrs) Seetha Bandara Ranathunga 

University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.

Professor. Dr. C. Satheesh Kumar

University of Kerala, India.

Professor. Dr. (Mrs) Anindita Adhikary

Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, India. 

Associate  Professor. Dr. Syahril Abdullah

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia.

Professor. Dr. (Mrs) Rajeswari Seshadri 

Pondicherry University, India. 

Associate Professor. Dr. (Mrs) Manu Jaitka

A. S. College, India.

Professor. Dr. Tirupathi Raopadi

Pondicherry University

Dr. N. Vijayakumar

Annamalai University, India.

Associate  Professor. Dr. Prakash Balu

Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies, (VISTAS),India.  

Dr. (Mrs) Evangeline Prathibha M

Lady Doak College, India.

Associate  Professor. Dr. (Mrs)  Nirmala Rebeca Paul

Lady Doak College, India. 

Dr. Bedanta Bora

Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, India. 

Dr. T. Asir

Madurai Kamaraj University, India.

Dr. Tridib Bandopadhyay

Scientific & Environmental Research Institute, India.

Dr. (Mrs.) C. Sahila

Annai Women’s College, India.

Dr. Tariq M Chaudhry

Environmental Health Consultant, Australia.

Dr. C. Ashok Kumar

Palamuru University,India.

Dr. (Ms).Tinni Dutta

Asutosh College, Kolkata, India.

Dr. Nemala Appa Rao

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University, India.

Major.K.M. Udaya Banada Konarasinghe (Retd)

Institute of Mathematics and Management, Sri Lanka.

Dr. (Mrs). P. Vijaya Vani

Acharya Nagarjuna University ,India.

Editorial Manager
Major.K.M. Udaya Banda Konarasinghe (Retd):
Paper Submission
Submit your paper to both e-mails:  and
Contact Address
APA Reference Style 
Publication Frequency
JNFMS, JNFEB, JNFHBS, and JNFESS publication frequency is Bi-annual.