Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences (JNFHBS)

Impact Factor: 4.7 (2022)
Aim and Scope of the Journal
Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences (JNFHBS) is an international peer-reviewed academic journal facilitating communications among Healthcare and Biological Science researchers with cross-disciplinary research interests. JNFHBS provides an outlet for the increasing flow of interdisciplinary research across healthcare and biological science. It is an essential material for healthcare scientists, biologists, scientists in science and technology policy, academics, graduate students, and practitioners in healthcare and biological research.
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Botany, Bioinformatics, Biomaterials, Biomechanics, BiomedicalScience, Biomedicine, Biopolymers, Cell Biology, Cognitive Neuroscience, ComputationalNeuroscience, ConservationBiology, DevelopmentalBiology, Ecology, Evolution, Food Science, Genetics, Genomics, Immunology, Immunotherapy, Kinesiology, Marine Biology, Medical Devices, Medical Imaging, Medical Social Work, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Characterization of Genes, Morphology, Mycology, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, Neuroscience, Oncology, Ontogenetic, Optometry, Parasitological, Pathology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacology, Physiology, Plant Science, Population Dynamics, Proteomics, Psychiatric, Psychology, Sports Science, Structural Biology, Systems Biology, Zoology, etc., and Allied Subjects.
Primary Health Care, Metabolic Syndrome, Maternal, Infant and Child Health, Family Planning, Occupational, and Safety Health, Environmental Health, Epidemiology, Mental Health, Adolescent & Young Adults Health, Social Determinants of Health, Non-Communicable Diseases, Health Economics, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Health Communication and Health Information Technology, Oral Health, Indigenous Health & Wellbeing and Allied Areas.
Call for Papers
Original research papers and review papers in Biology, Healthcare, and related disciplines from Undergraduate and Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Scientists, etc., are invited for presentation and publication.
Publication Frequency
The publication frequency of JNFHBS is Bi-annual.
APA Reference StyleReferencing
Editorial Manager Major.K.M.Udaya Banda Konarasinghe(Retd) | Paper Submission Submit your paper to both e-mails: and |
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View Articles - ISSN 2719-2385 (Online)
Vol.2(2021), Issue 2 Modelling Wave-Like Patterns of Daily Infected Cases of COVID-19 in the UK.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,Vol.2(2),1-15.
Vol.2(2021), Issue 2 Modelling Wave-Like Patterns of Daily Infected Cases of COVID-19 in the UK.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,Vol.2(2),1-15.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Modelling Daily Infected Cases of COVID-19 in Ukraine.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,Vol.2(2),16-33.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Vol.2(2021), Issue 1
Forecasting COVID-19 Outbreak in the Philippines and Indonesia.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol.2(1),1-19.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
SCM and SARIMA on Forecasting COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol.2(1),20-38.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Forecasting Wave-like Patterns of COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Iran.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol.2(1),39-56.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Model Base Analysis of COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Argentina. Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol.2(1),57-75,
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Vol.1(2020), Issue 2
Forecasting COVID-19 Spread in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol. 1(2), 1-13.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Vol.1(2020), Issue 1
Modelling COVID -19 Epidemic of USA, UK, and Russia. Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol. 1(1), 1-14.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Modelling COVID -19 Epidemic of India and Brazil. Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences, Vol. 1(1), 15-25.
K.M.U.B Konarasinghe
Estimate and Forecast COVID -19 Pandemic in Victoria, South Australia, and Capital Territory of Australia.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,
K.M.U.B. Konarasinghe