Major K. M. Udaya Banda Konarasinghe WWV, RSP (Retired)

RID: ABQ-3165-2022
Institute of Mathematics and Management
Most recent publications:
1. Modeling Wave-Like Patterns of Consumer Price Index of the USA
Times Cited: - (Web of Science Core Collection®)
2. Modeling Wave-Like Patterns of Daily Infected Cases of COVID -19 in the UK
Times Cited: - (Web of Science Core Collection®)
3. Modeling Daily Infected Cases of COVID -19 in Ukraine
Times Cited: - (Web of Science Core Collection®)
Qualification | Institution | Duration of Study |
Master in Business Administration (MBA) | Rajarata University of Sri Lanka | 2 years (By course work and research) |
Master of Business Administration
Business Statistics | Quantitative Methods | Financial Management | Business Economics |
Academic Writing | Marketing Management | Strategic Management | Human Resource Management |
Project Management | Organizational Behavior | Operations Management | Comparative Management |
Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility | Article Commentary & Research Critique | Research Methodology & Seminar | Administrative & Industrial Law |
Management and Information Systems | Research Thesis |
Thesis Title: Determinants of Demand for International Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka
Peer Review Journals
Wickramasinghe, S.S. & Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2023 | Forecasting COVID-19 daily infected cases in Sri Lanka by Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing Method. Journal of the University of Ruhuna,11,(2),35-41. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2022 | Modelling Consumer Price Index of Malaysia: Application of Exponential Smoothers. Journal of New Frontiers in Education and Social Sciences,2(1),16-33. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2022 | Modelling Consumer Price Index of Thailand. Journal of New Frontiers in Education and Social Sciences,2(1),1-15. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Modelling Wave-Like Patterns of Consumer Price Index of the USA. Journal of New Frontiers in Education and Social Sciences,1(1),14-29. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Modelling Wave-Like Patterns of Daily Infected Cases of COVID-19 in the UK.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(2),1-15. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Modelling Daily Infected Cases of COVID-19 in Ukraine.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(2),16-33. |
Konarasinghe, W.G.S., & Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Model Development for Damped and Forced Type of Oscillations in Time Series. Journal of New Frontiers in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.2(2),20-35 |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Model Base Analysis of COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Argentina.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(1), 57-75. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Forecasting Wave-like Patterns of COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Iran.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(1),39-56. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | SCM and SARIMA on Forecasting COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(1),20-38. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Forecasting COVID-19 Outbreak in the Philippines and Indonesia.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,2(1),1-19. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Forecasting COVID-19 Spread in Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,1(2),1-13. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Estimate and Forecast COVID-19 Pandemic in Victoria, South Australia, and Capital Territory of Australia.Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,1(1),26-42. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Modelling COVID-19 Epidemic of India and Brazil. Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,1(1),15-25. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Modeling COVID -19 Epidemic of USA, UK, and Russia. Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare and Biological Sciences,1(1),1-14 |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2020 | Sama Circular Model on Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Anuradhapura of Sri Lanka.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,9(3):20-34. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2018 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Southern Coast of Sri Lanka: An Application of SARIMA Model.International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics, 5(3):22-30. |
Amarakoon,A.A.N.R,Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B,& Konarasinghe,W.G.S | 2018 | Motives to Consuming Dangerous Drugs of Adolescents in Western Province of Sri Lanka.International Journal of Research and Review.5(10):87-96. |
Amarakoon,A.A.N.R,Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B,& Konarasinghe,W.G.S | 2018 | Risky Sexual Behaviour of Adolescents in Western Province of Sri Lanka.International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics,5(3):1-9. |
Amarakoon,A.A.N.R,Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B,&Konarasinghe,W.G.S. | 2018 | Determinants of Alcohol Consumption of Adolescents in Western Province of Sri Lanka.International Journal of Research and Review.5(8):140-148. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2018 | Forecasting Ability of Univariate Time Series Approach in Foreign Guest Nights in the Southern Coast of Sri Lanka.International Journal of Research and Review.5(8):17-25. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2018 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Hill Country of Sri Lanka. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,7(4):41-56. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2018 | Forecasting tourism-generated employment in Sri Lanka: a multivariate time series approach. International Journal of Research and Review, 5(1), 61-67. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2017 | Model Comparison on Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka from Western Europe.International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics,4(2):28-35. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2017 | Hybrid Trend–ARIMA Model for Forecasting Employment in Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,6(4):214-223. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Patterns of tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka from Asian countries.International Journal of Research and Review,3(11):69-79. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Time Series Patterns of Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka.Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research,5(3):161-172. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka: Post-War Period.International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & Mathematics,3(1):57-63. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Model-Based Analysis of International Tourist Flow to Sri Lanka.International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.2(1):81-85. |
Conference Proceedings
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2024 | Modelling Night Occupancy of Domestic Tourists in the South Coast of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Doctoral Business Research Conference 2024, Western Sydney University, Parramatta, NSW, Australia. 73-74. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2024 | Modelling Night Occupancy of Domestic Tourists in the Colombo District of Sri Lanka.Proceedings of 17th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka. 22. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2024 | Modelling Night Occupancy of Domestic Tourists in the Kandy District of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of 13th Sri Lanka Economic Research Conference (SLERC).General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka.186-194. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2023 | Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Tourism Trends in Sri Lanka and Australia. Proceedings of the 2023 Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) and Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics (OZCOTS), Poster Presentation, University of Wollongong, Australia, 44. |
Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B | 2023 | Modelling and Forecasting Hospitality and Tourism Employment of Sri Lanka.Book of Papers and Posters for the 2023 Guangzhou International Sister-City Universities(GISU)Alliance International Research Symposium, co-hosted by Guangzhou University and Western Sydney University, Western Sydney University, Parramatta, NSW, Australia.27. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2023 | Modelling International Tourist Occupancy in Southern Coast of Sri Lanka.Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences(IMMCMSS)-2023, Sydney, Australia,2(1).9. ISSN:2756-9128 (Online). |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2023 | Modelling International Tourist Occupancy in Kandy District of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences(IMMCMSS)-2023,Sydney,Australia,2(1).6.ISSN:2756-9128 (Online) |
Wickramasinghe, S.S & Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B | 2022 | Forecasting COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Sri Lanka by Holt-Winters Model.Conference Proceedings of 19th Academic Sessions-2022 University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka.18.ISSN:2362-0412. |
Konarasinghe, W.G.S & Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B | 2021 | Model Development for Damped and Forced Type of Oscillations in Time Series.Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences(IMMCMBS)2021.Canberra, Australia.1(1)8.ISSN:2756-9144(Online). |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Forecasting COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in Ukraine.Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences (IMMCMBS) 2021.Canberra, Australia.1(1)9.ISSN:2756-9144(Online) |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Modelling COVID-19 Daily Infected Cases in the UK.Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences (IMMCMBS) 2021.Canberra, Australia.1(1)7.ISSN:2756-9144(Online) |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2021 | Modelling Consumer Price Index in USA under the COVID-19 Pandemic. Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences(IMMCMSS)2021.Canberra, Australia.1(1)9.ISSN:2756-9128(Online) |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Forecasting Consumer Price Index in Thailand under the COVID -19 Pandemic. Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences(IMMCMSS)2020.Melbourne,Australia.p11.ISSN:2756-9128 (Online) |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | The Behavior of Consumer Price Indices in Southeast Asian Countries under the COVID -19 Pandemic.Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences(IMMCMSS)2020.Melbourne,Australia.p10.ISSN:2756-9128 (Online). |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2020 | Forecasting COVID -19 Outbreak in Philippines. Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences(IMMCMBS)2020.Melbourne,Australia.p11.ISSN:2756-9144(Online). |
Konarasinghe, W.G.S., Chaudhry, T.M & Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2020 | Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences(IMMCMBS) 2020.Melbourne,Australia.p14.ISSN:2756-9144 (Online). |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2019 | Sama Circular Model on Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Anuradhapura of Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & economics research-2019. Bangkok, Thailand,8(3):b19-063.ISSN:2223-5078. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2018 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Hill Country of Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & economics research-2018.Bangkok, Thailand,7(2):b18-066.ISSN:2223-5078 |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2018 | Forecasting Domestic Guest Nights in Ancient Cities of Sri Lanka: Hybrid Approach.Conference Proceedings of the 11th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka,p36.ISBN 978-955-0301-53-9. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2018 | Forecasting Domestic Guest Nights in Hill Country of Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches -2018, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura.Sri Lanka,p131.ISSN:2386-1509. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2017 | Forecasting Employment of Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches -2017, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura.Sri Lanka,p130.ISSN:2386-1509. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2017 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Ancient Cities of Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the 22nd International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2017, Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka p114.ISSN:2235-9427. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2017 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Colombo and Greater Colombo of Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the 14th International Research Conference on Business Management (ICBM) – 2017, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka,253-274. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2017 | Hybrid Trend – ARIMA Model for Forecasting Employment in Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & economics research-2017.Bangkok, Thailand,5(2):b17-060.ISSN 2223-5078. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2017 | Forecasting Foreign Guest Nights in Southern Coast of Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) -2017, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,21,p40.ISBN 978-955-589-240-7,ISSN 1391-4111. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2016 | Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka from Western Europe. Conference Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions – 2016, the Open University of Sri Lanka,p19.ISSN:2536-8893. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Model on Forecasting Tourist Arrivals from Asian Region to Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) -2016, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,20,p9.ISBN:978-955-589-225-4. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Decomposition Techniques on Forecasting Tourist Arrivals from Western European Countries to Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the 13th International Research Conference on Business Management (ICBM)–2016, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2016 | Time Series Patterns of Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & economics research-2016.Bangkok, Thailand,5(2):b16-104.ISSN 2223-5078. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2016 | Short- term forecasting of tourist arrivals to Sri Lanka from Asian region.Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of the Sri Lankan Forum of University Economists.Department of Economics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka,p39-44.ISSN:2279-2406. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2016. | Forecasting Tourist Arrivals from Asian Countries to Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the 9th International Research Conference, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Sri Lanka,p322.ISBN 978-955-0301-28-7. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2015 | Lin- Log Model for Forecasting International Tourism Income in Sri Lanka: Post-War Period.Conference Proceedings of the 12th International Research Conference on Business Management (ICBM)–2015, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Forecasting Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka: Post War Period.Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka,p63.ISSN:2279-2309. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Trend Analysis of Direct Employment in Tourism Industry of Sri Lanka.Conference Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of the Sri Lankan Forum of University Economists.Department of Business Economics, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka,p31.ISSN:2279-2406. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Model-Based Analysis of International Tourism Income of Sri Lanka: Post War Period Conference Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions – 2015, the Open University of Sri Lanka,p73.ISSN:2012 -9912. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Forecasting International Tourism Income in Sri Lanka: Post-War period.Conference Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches -2015, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jayawardanapura.Sri Lanka,p167.ISSN:2386-1509. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Modeling Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the 2nd Ruhuna International Science and Technology Conference, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka,p64.ISSN:1391-8796. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2015 | Forecasting International Tourism Income of Sri Lanka: Trend Analysis.Conference Proceedings of the Peradeniya University International Research Sessions (iPURSE) -2015, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka,19,p46.ISBN 978-955-589-201-8. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2014 | Forecasting Long -Term International Tourist Flows to Sri Lanka. Conference Proceedings of the Annual Academic Sessions – 2014, the Open University of Sri Lanka,p283.ISSN:2012 -9912. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B. | 2014. | Contribution of Eco-Tourism Income to Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka.Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Business and Information, Part III, Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.p1.ISSN:2420–7500. |
Konarasinghe, K.M.U.B | 2014 | International Tourism Demand on Attraction of Sri Lanka Conference Proceedings of the 1st Wayamba International Research Conference, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka,p75.ISBN:978- 955-4709-18- 8. |
Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B.& Deheragoda,C.K.M | 2013 | Modeling International Tourism Demand in Sri Lanka: Parametric Approach.Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka,p118. |
Konarasinghe,K.M.U.B.& Deheragoda,C.K.M | 2012 | Determinants of Demand for International Tourism Industry in Sri Lanka.Working Paper.Conference Proceedings of the 1st International Research Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka,p134.ISSN:2279-2309. |
Keynote Speaker | 2021–6th International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare(ICRLSH),15-16 May, Berlin (Online). |
Keynote Speaker | 2021–2nd International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare (ICRLSH),24-25 February, Dubai.(Online) |
Keynote Speaker | 2020–18th International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare (ICRLSH),25-26 September, Rome. (Online) Title of the speech: Role of Statistical Models to Combat COVID 19 Pandemic. |
Conference Chair | 2021–6th International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare(ICRLSH),15-16 May, Berlin (Online). |
Conference Chair | 2021–2nd International Conference on Research in Life-Sciences & Healthcare (ICRLSH),24-25 February, Dubai.(Online) |
Conference Secretary | Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences 2023-Sydney.21st and 22nd October 2023.Sydney, Australia. |
Conference Secretary | Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences 2021-Canberra.25th and 26th October 2021.Canberra , Australia (Online). |
Conference Secretary | Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences 2021-Canberra.25th and 26th October 2021.Canberra , Australia (Online). |
Conference Secretary | Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences 2020-Melbourne.16th and 17th December 2020.Melbourne, Australia (Online). |
Conference Secretary | Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences 2020-Melbourne.29th and 30th October 2020.Melbourne, Australia (Online). |
Conference Track Chair | In the field of Advances in Bayesian computation at Australian Statistical Conference (ASC) and Australian Conference on Teaching Statistics(OZCOTS),2023, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. |
Conference Track Chair | In Tourism Studies–Case and Quantitative Analyses at SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and economics research-2019. Bangkok, Thailand. |
Conference Track Chair | In the field of Quantitative Finance and Econometrics at SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and economics research-2018.Bangkok, Thailand. |
Conference Track Chair | In the International Trade and Finance field at SIBR-Thammasat Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and economics Research 2016.Bangkok, Thailand. |
Model Development for Damped and Forced Type of Oscillations in Time Series
- Damped Circular Model (DCM)
- Forced Circular Model(FCM)
Editorial Board Member: Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Management & Social Sciences 2021.ISSN:2756-9128(Online).
Editorial Board Member: Conference Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Management Conference on Mathematical & Biological Sciences 2021.ISSN:2756-9144 (Online).
Reviewer: Cogent Economics and Finance, Taylor and Francis Group, United Kingdom.
Reviewer: SAGE Open Peer-reviewed journal.Sage Publications.USA.
Reviewer: Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology, the official journal of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka.
Resource Person: Workshop on Infectious Disease Modelling Conducted by IMM, Sri Lanka.
Resource Person: Workshop on Econometric Modelling Conducted by IMM, Sri Lanka.
Institution / Organization | Position | Period |
Institute of Mathematics and Management, Australia | Head of the Administration | From May 2022 to date |
Institute of Mathematics and Management(IMM) Pvt. Ltd., Sri Lanka | Managing Director / Lecturer | From October 2012 to date |
Laugfs Gas Pvt.Ltd, Sri Lanka | Security Manager | From June to December 2008 |
Sri Lanka Army | Commissioned Officer (Major) | From January 1991 to June 2007 |
Prognostic Studies
Gender Studies