IMM Conference in Management & Social Sciences (IMMCMSS)-2023 Sydney
Research Conference with Workshop in Data Analytics
Organizer: Institute of Mathematics and Management (IMM), Australia
Date: 21-22 October 2023
Venue: Western Sydney University Parramatta City Campus, NSW, Australia
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Deadline for Paper Submission: 30 July 2023 Extended 14 August 2023
Research and development have become a priority across the world. Public and private organizations spend a huge amount of funds on knowledge creation and sharing. Academicians and researchers across the world sweat for conducting research and high-quality publications. Despite the importance, a large number of studies and research publications become useless due to the “Misuse of Statistics”.This is mainly due to the lack of knowledge in quantitative research. The IMM takes the initiative to fill the knowledge gap; conducts a “Research Conference in Management & Social Sciences with a Workshop in Data Analytics”.
Keynote Speaker

Dr.(Mrs).W.G.Samanthi Konarasinghe
Academic Director & Head of the Academics, Institute of Mathematics and Management, Sri Lanka & Australia
& Researcher, Western Sydney University, NSW, Australia
Topic: Likert Scale vs.Sama Radial Indicator (SRI) for Measuring Psychometric Variables
Themes & Sub Themes of IMMCMSS 2023 Sydney
Agri-Business, Agriculture Management, Auditing, Business Administration, Business and Management, Business Communication, Business Statistics, Business Education, Business Ethics, Business Law, Commerce, Consumer Behavior, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility Issues, Decision Sciences, Engineering Related to Business, Entrepreneurship, Estate Management and Valuation, Financial Management, Financial Accounting, General Management, Global Issues on Business and Management, Health and Hospital Administration, Hospitality Industry, Human Resource Management, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Industrial Engineering, Management Information Systems, Management Science, Manufacturing Engineering , Marketing Management , Mathematics for Finance, Management Accounting, Multidisciplinary Areas of Business and Management, Operations Management, Public Administration, Project Management ,Sociology in Business and Management, Strategic Management, Supply Chain Management, Sustainability Management, Service Management, Sustainable Development, Taxation, Travel, Transportation and Tourism, Indigenous Management and Allied Subjects.
Social Sciences
Agriculture Economics, Anthropology, Area studies, Behavioral Economics, Business Economics, Business Studies, Civics, Constitutional Economics, Cultural Economics Communication studies, Criminology, Demography, Development Economics Ecology, Economics, Econometrics, Environmental Studies, Economic Geography, Environmental Economics, Energy Economics, Financial Economics, Gender studies, Gender Economics, Geography, History, Indigenous Studies, Industrial Economics, Information Economics, International Economics, Law, Labor Economics, Library science, Linguistics, Media studies, Mathematics for Social Sciences, Managerial Economics, Mathematical Economics, Monetary Economics, Paleontology, Political science, Psychology, Public Administration, Public Economics, Sociology, and Allied Subjects.
Call for Papers
Abstracts of original research papers and review papers in Management, Business Administration, Social Sciences and other related disciplines from Undergraduate and Post Graduate Students, Research Scholars, Faculty, Scientists, etc., are invited for presentation and publication.
Review Process
The review process consists of two steps, desk screening and peer review.
Desk Screening
Each abstract submitted to the conference will be first evaluated by the editor/editorial board. The editor/editorial board has the right to desk review and “desk rejects” the manuscript without sending it out for peer review.
Peer Review
After an initial evaluation by the editor/editorial board, the manuscript will be sent to two reviewers. The number of reviewers can be increased if necessary. The IMM employs a double-blind reviewing-both the reviewer(s)and the author(s)remain anonymous throughout the process. The reviewer(s) will evaluate the manuscript's originality, significance, research design, methodology, and presentation of results. The outcome could be: accepted without revision/ accepted with revision or rejected. If the reviewer(s) recommend revision, the author(s)are expected to revise and resubmit the manuscript on or before the date announced by the editor/editorial board.
Publication Opportunities
Abstracts will be published in conference proceedings (e-copy) with the ISSN. The selected full papers will be published in the Journal of New Frontiers in Economics and Business(JNFEB) or the Journal of New Frontiers in Education and Social Sciences(JNFESS) with the ISSN, within three months from the date of the conference. The conference proceedings will be uploaded to Zenodo operated by European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Switzerland and Index to Open AIRE and BASE.
Deadline for Abstract Submission: 30 July 2023 Extended 14 August 2023
Submission of Full Papers
The full paper can be submitted (optional) for journal publication, within 30 days from the date of the conference.
Submission Guidelines
Refer to the Abstract Template and Full Paper Template for guidance.
Notifications of acceptance/rejection will be completed within 03 weeks from the date of submission. Indicate the conference name on the right top of your paper "IMMCMSS 2023 Sydney".
Workshop in Data Analytics (WDA)
Instructors: Dr (Mrs.) W.G.Samanthi Konarasinghe, and Major K.M.Udaya Banda Konarasinghe(Retired)
This workshop will be hands-on and driven by examples, using real-life data sets from the fields of; Life Sciences & Health Care, Business & Economics, Finance, Tourism Management, Meteorology, and many more. The intended participants for the course are students and practitioners of a data-driven environment.
Outline and Objectives
The statistical software MINITAB will be the main tool utilized in the workshop, but previous knowledge of handling the software is not a must. The entire workshop will be example-driven; therefore participants are encouraged to bring a laptop computer(Windows) for optimum benefit. Instructions for installing MINITAB (free trial) will be shared with the participants before the workshop.
About the Instructors
Dr Samanthi Konarasinghe, an award-winning Scientist has served as a Statistical Consultant and a Lecturer for more than two decades. She is a multi-disciplinarian, obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics; a Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Mathematics; a Master’s Degree in Applied Statistics, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Statistics. Also, she has obtained a Diploma in Classical Music. She is a member of the American Statistical Association (ASA), Statistical Society Australia (SSA), Institute of Applied Statistics, Sri Lanka (IASSL) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Dr Samanthi has developed various Mathematical and Statistical Techniques. The Circular Model (CM) and Sama Circular Model (SCM) are widely applied techniques whilst the Damped Circular Model (DCM) and Forced Circular Model (FCM) are the recently developed models. She was awarded the “IMRF BEST SCIENTIST AWARD, INDIA” for her invaluable contribution to the field of Statistics. She has been sharing her knowledge as the keynote speaker, invited speaker, etc. at international research forums in India, Australia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and more. She is not only a Scientist but also an Artist; Violinist, Painter, Writer, Drama producer, and Actress.
Major K. M. Udaya Banda Konarasinghe, an award-winning Scientist has served as a Research Consultant and a Lecturer over the last decade. He is a distinguished researcher in the fields of, Tourism & Hospitality Management; Econometrics; Biological & Healthcare research. He is an expert in Time Series Modelling and Forecasting and made an unparalleled contribution to combating the COVID-19 pandemic. He is an entrepreneur, who has taken the initiative to the Institute of Mathematics and Management, Sri Lanka which provides a unique service in Education and Research. The Sama Circular Model (SCM) is a recent development in the field of Stochastic Modelling. The SCM is capable of capturing all the components (Trend, Seasonal, and Cyclical) of a time series with the least effort. Especially the SCM separates many seasonal and/ or cyclical behaviours in a time series. It had been widely applied in the fields of Finance, Economics, Tourism & Hospitality, etc., and has proven its superiority among other statistical forecasting methods. Yet the SCM had never been applied in the field of Epidemiology until Major Udaya does in modelling COVID-19 infected cases. He showed that the SCM is the most successful technique in forecasting daily infected cases in many countries. Further, he identified a damped and forced type of oscillations in the time series of infected cases under the COVID-19 pandemic. Hence in 2021, Major Udaya and his fellow researcher developed two new forecasting techniques, named “Damped Circular Model and Forced Circular Model”. Major Udaya won the Outstanding Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Business Management (ICBM), University of Sri Jayawardanapura of Sri Lanka in 2017.
He was invited to share his knowledge and experience as the keynote speaker at international research forums in Germany, Dubai, and Italy and several sessions chaired in Thailand. He is a member of the Senior Scientist Forum in the National Science and Technology Commission (NASTEC) Sri Lanka and the National Science Foundation (NSF), Sri Lanka. He is the Editorial Manager of, the Journal of New Frontiers in Mathematics & Statistics; Journal of New Frontiers in Economics & Business; Journal of New Frontiers in Healthcare & Biological Sciences; Journal of New Frontiers in Education & Social Sciences, published by the Institute of Mathematics and Management of Sri Lanka. He is a Reviewer of the International Journal of Statistics and Mathematics, Premier Publishers, Nigeria, Banwa Series B. Natural and Applied Sciences, Center for the Advancement of Research in Mindanao (CARIM) the Philippines, Cogent Economics and Finance, Taylor and Francis Group, United Kingdom, SAGE Open Peer-reviewed journal, Sage Publications, USA and Sri Lankan Journal of Anaesthesiology, the official journal of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Sri Lanka.
Presentation/participation is possible either in person or online.
Deadlines for Registration
Presenters: 15 September 2023
Participants: 1 October 2023
Option 1: Conference and Workshop (In-person at Western Sydney University, Australia )
| Lower/Lower Middle-Income Countries
| Upper Middle /Upper-Income Countries
Academicians/Professionals/ Practitioners etc.
| USD 350
| USD 450
Undergraduate/ Postgraduate Students (Must provide a copy of student ID card)
| USD 250
| USD 430
Participant (Without paper presentation and publication)
| USD 200
| USD 330
Option 2:Conference and Workshop (Online)
| Lower/Lower Middle-Income Countries
| Upper Middle/Upper-Income Countries
Presenter (Student)
| USD 150
| USD 200
Presenter (Other)
| USD 200 | USD 300 |
| USD 75
| USD 150
1. At least one author for each accepted paper must pre-register.
2. On-the-spot registration is not valid for presenters.
3. Each paid registration covers only one paper and only one participant.
4. If more than one author from the same paper wants to attend, they have to make separate registrations.
5. Payment must be made in USD. Bank charges are included in the registration fee, hence no additional cost will be incurred.
6. Registration fee includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea on both days.
7. Hard copy of a certificate will be provided to each author, co-author and participant
8. The paid registration fee is not refunded.